
Showing posts from April, 2018


We are officially back in New York, on the frigid Northeast coast! After my last post, Greg and I decided it was time to get back home. We chose to skip our next stop in the Poconos and make our way back to Long Island. We packed up the camper, jumped in the truck, and drove the long 5 hours (thanks to the famous GWB traffic😏, the ride took a bit longer), back home. It took us roughly 2 hours to empty the camper once we got home (lots of stuff pile up over 4 1/2 months on the road!), and another hour or so to bring it in the house...PHEW, it was a long day!! Nonetheless, we are absolutely THRILLED to be back in New York, our home base. The last two weeks have been spent catching up with some of you, visiting, laughing, telling about our journey.  Finally got to alleviate my "Savage withdrawal", seeing adorable Liam and Myles, ecstatic they hadn't forgotten us! We went to a MET game with Thomas and Rose and enjoyed our first ever tailgating experie...

Destination...Cherry Blossoms!!!

First...Happy Easter and Azizan Pesach to all our beloved friends and family!!! We hope the Easter Bunny came your way, and the matzo is treating you well 😊. We are slowly getting back to our "home base". In an effort to greet us with open arms, Mother Nature is definitely welcoming us back home with typical East Coast it is snowing right now, out the window here in Pennsylvania!!!! Backing up a few days...our last stop in North Carolina, at the Falls Lake Recreation area, was lovely. Our campsite was on a hill in the woods overlooking Falls Lake. It was the backdrop for an absolutely beautiful sunset I was finally able to capture. One afternoon, while I got caught up on school work, Greg met up with Jimmy, an old buddy from work, who had relocated nearby. We had a couple campfires while we were there, and enjoyed the quiet forest. Next we made our way closer to the cherry blossom festival! We drove north to Pohick Bay Regional Park in Lorton, Virginia, ab...